Thai Journal of Botany
Lists of Thai Journal of Botany's Article
Year: 2559
Year No.: 8
Volume: 1
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OrderArticle's title 
1 Begonia lamxayiana Souvann. (Begoniaceae): a new species from Lao PDR
2 The vegetation structure of the Songkhla Lake area through the woody plants architectural models
3 Tribe Andropogoneae (Poaceae) in Thung Salaeng Luang National Park, Phitsanulok Province
หญ้าเผ่าแอนโดรโพโกนีในอุทยานแห่งชาติทุ่งแสลงหลวง จังหวัดพิษณุโลก
4 Species diversity of orchids in Ton Nga Chang Wildlife Sanctuary
5 Antioxidant enzyme activities and hydrogen peroxide content in leaves of wild sugarcane genotypes under drought stress
กิจกรรมของเอนไซม์ต้านออกซิเดชันและปริมาณไฮโดรเจนเปอร์ออกไซด์ ในใบอ้อยป่าที่ได้รับความเครียดแล้ง
6 Kaempferia simaoensis (Zingiberaceae), a new record for Thailand: evidence from nuclear ITS2 sequence analyses
7 Allotetraploid induction of interspecifi c hybrid between Curcuma alismatifolia and C. aurantiaca
8 In vitro mutagenesis using gamma irradiation in Kaempferia rotunda L.
9 Morphoanatomy and vegetative propagation of the Philippines endemic Leptosolena haenkei C. Presl and Vanoverberghia sepulchrei Merr. (Zingiberaceae) by rhizome cutting using NAA and Kinetin
10 Chemotaxonomic study of volatile oils from rhizomes of 9 Zingiber species (Zingiberaceae)
11 Phylogenetic relationships of Kaempferia species based on AFLP marker

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