Thai Journal of Botany
Article's details
Title: Floral nectary and osmophore of Ceropegia suddeei Kidyoo (Apocynacece, Asclepiadoideae)
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Pages: 197 - 206
Year: 2561
Year No.: 10
Volume: 2   Show All Articles

   The flowers of many Ceropegia species emit scent to attract their pollinators and exude nectar which may play an important role in reorientation of insects to the male and female reproductive structures. Although the chemical compositionsof floral scent were well identified in several species of the genus, the precise localization of scent producing/emitting area and nectariferous tissue is still poorly known. In this study, the osmophore and nectary of C. suddeei are investigated histochemically andanatomically. The result indicates that the osmophore is located on the adaxial surface of the corolla lobesand the nectaries are found behind each of the five guide rails. These secretory structures are characterized in detail.

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