Thai Journal of Botany
Article's details
Title: Effect of sucrose and plant material on shoot and microrhizome production of three Hedychium species
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Pages: 107 - 118
Year: 2566
Year No.: 15
Volume: 2   Show All Articles

     Hedychium species are oneof several plants used to extract substances for use in cosmetics andtraditional medicine, hence there is a significant demand for Hedychium rhizomes. The Hedychium grows slowly in nature. Toobtain significant amounts of the essential compounds, the rhizomes utilisedfor extraction must be older than 2 years. As a result,tissue culture propagation can multiply rhizomes in great numbers faster than conventionalmethods. For that reason, an experiment was conducted tostudy the effect of explant type (trimmed-offand untrimmed explant) and sucrose concentrations (3, 6, 9 and 12%) on the growth of shootsand rhizomes in three species of Hedychium, namely H. boloveniorumK. Larsen, H. flavescens Careyex Roscoe and H. stenopetalum G. Lodd., cultured for 20 weeks. The experimentwas designed as 2 × 4 factorial in completely randomized design (CRD), a total of 8 treatments with 10 replicates each.The results of the experiment found that culture of the untrimmedexplant with 69% sucrose promotedshoot number, shoot weight, rhizome number, rhizome height, rhizome diameterand rhizome weight in H. boloveniorum and H. stenopetalum. The protocol hereinestablished for Hedychium shoot and rhizome formation provides areliable and successful in vitro propagation methodology and isconducive to commercial production.

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