วารสารพฤกษศาสตร์ไทย สวนสมเด็จพระนางเจ้าสิริกิติ์
GUIDE TO AUTHORS   Download this file

THAI JOURNAL OF BOTANY (TJB) publishes original research papers and review article of relevance of all plant groups, algae, fungi and lichens and related subjects. The papers submitted are considered for publication on the understanding that they have not been published or accepted for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts are submitted to three referees for evaluation, by the standard process of Double-Blind Peer Review. TJB is published twice a year, in June and December. Authors (corresponding author) are encouraged to be members of the Botanical Society and will be exempt from the cost of publishing articles if you are not a member, there will be a cost of printing.


Manuscript should be consistently written in Thai and English. The manuscript in Thai have to provide an abstract on both languages. Authors are responsible for submitting their text to linguistic revision prior to submission. Manuscript should be submitted via the online submission site: http://qsbg.or.th/bot/default.aspx or submitted at [email protected]

Authors will generally be notified of acceptance, rejection, or need for revision within three months. In case of extensive editing, the manuscripts will be returned to the author for approval or revision.


Length of Manuscripts should not exceed 20 pages and a single column page. Manuscript in Thai language should be written with 16 pt Browallia New font, whereas English manuscript should be prepared with 12 pt Times New Roman, all with double-space the entire manuscript. All margins should be 2.5 cm. The manuscript includes Title, Author (s), Institutes, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References and Appendices, if necessary.

Titles  should be short and contain words useful for indexing and information retrieval. The manuscript in Thai should be typed in Browallia New font, 20 pt, bold face, whereas English manuscript should be typed in Times New Roman font, 16 pt, bold face.

Author (s)  includes author’s name, manuscript in Thai have to provide in Thai and English languages, typing with Browallia New font, 16 pt, whereas English manuscript should be typed in Times New Roman font, 12 pt. Institutes, postal address and corresponding author’s e-mail address should be provided in Browallia New font, 14 pt for the manuscript in Thai, and Times New Roman font, 10 pt for the English manuscript.

Abstract  should not exceeding 250 words in each language. The results of the work should be briefly presented. The manuscript in Thai should be typed in Browallia New font, 16 pt, whereas English manuscript should be typed in Time New Roman font, 12 pt.

Keywords  should be provided with 3-5 words and should not appear in title. The manuscript in Thai should be typed in Browallia New font, 16 pt, and provided both Thai and English, whereas English manuscript should be typed in Time New Roman font, 12 pt.
Text  should be typed in Browallia New font, 16 pt for Thai manuscript and Time New Roman font, 12 pt for English manuscript. Latin names should be written in Italics.
          In the text references are given as Chantaranothai et al. (2008), or, when appropriate, as (Chantaranothai et al., 2008). If citing more than one reference by the author, cite chronologically and separate by commas. If citing references by different authors, cite chronologically and separate with semicolons between each author (s).


Figure and Table should have consecutive Arabic numerals. They are cited in the text as Table and Fig. They are appended separately at the end of the manuscript.
        Colour plates may be included at the author’s expense. Contact the managing editor for price.

Units  should conform to Système International d’unités (SI).

References in Thai manuscript should be provided with Browallia New font, 14 pt whereas in English manuscript should be Time New Roman font, 11 pt. The journal name should be written out in full. List references in alphabetical order. Examples:

Pedersen, H.Æ. & Watthana, S. 2013. Notes on the orchid flora of
        Thailand (III). Thai Journal of Botany 5(1): 53-61.

Ma, H. 2006. A molecular portrait of Arabidopsis meiosis. American
        Society of Plant Biologists, Rockville, Maryland.

Book Chapter:
D’Arcy, W.G. 1979. The classification of the Solanaceae. In: The Biology
          and Taxonomy of the Solanaceae
. J.G. Hawkes, R.N. Lester, &
          A.D. Skelding (Eds.), pp. 3-48. Academic Press, London.
Renner, S.S., Clausing, G., Cellinese, N. & Meyer, K
          2001. Melastomataceae. In: Flora of Thailand. T. Santisuk & K. Larsen
          (Eds.), T. Santisuk & K. Larsen (Eds.), Vol. 7 part 3, pp.412–497.
          Prachachon, Bangkok.

Munsuk, W. & Chantaranothai, P. 2016. Leaflet
          anatomy of Caesalpinia group (Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae)
          in Thailand, pp. 1–13. In: Proceedings of the 10th Botanical
          Conference of Thailand,
16–17 June 2016.Ubon Ratchathani

Pornpongrungrueng, P. 2001. Taxonomy of tribe Inuleae
          (Asteraceae) in Thailand
. Master of Science Thesis in
          Biology, Graduate School, Khon Kaen University. (in Thai)
Thitimetharoch, T. 2004. Taxonomic studies of the family
          Commelinaceae in Thailand.
Ph.D. Thesis, Khon Kaen University.

          The Forest Herbarium. 2014. Thai Plant Names Tem Smitinand. Revised edition. R. Pooma & S. Suddee (Eds.). Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, Bangkok.
           IUCN Standards & Petitions Committee. 2019. Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Version. 14. Available from: https://iucnredlist.org. Accessed on: 10 December 2023.

Acknowledgements  keep them short.

Offprints. Five offprints are supplied free of charge and one PDF file will be sent to corresponding author.


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